Funny Wallpapers

Funny Wallpapers & Widescreen Funny Wallpapers from the above resolutions. If you don’t find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for ‘Original’ or higher resolution which may fits perfect to your desktop.
When stressed or upset, some new, funny wallpapers for your computer are sure to get you in a better mood. Change your usual, dark desktop background with a funny one and it will bring a smile to your face every time you take a break from work.

Being in a bad mood interferes with performance and the ability to concentrate. If you want to be efficient in your work, don't let negative emotions overwhelm you. It's easy to be upset, angry or grumpy, but these negative emotions profoundly influence many areas of your life. People who experience negative emotions often are more dissatisfied with their lives, more depressed and less efficient than normal people.

You shouldn't wait for the bad mood to go away by itself. Do something and get rid of the gloomy feeling. The best way to feel good again is laughter. Researchers found that laughter has a positive influence on our minds and bodies. Therefore, use every opportunity and have a good laugh. It will make all your problems go away. Watch a comedy or download some funny backgrounds for your computer. Surrounding yourself with positive stimuli is the first thing you could do in order to feel better.

Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers
Funny Wallpapers

It's difficult to say what provokes laughter or what are the reasons people laugh. It all has something to do with the unexpectedness of the situation, the joining of two unrelated elements. Laughter is a complex phenomenon and standard recipes do not usually apply.

What makes a funny image funny? It is impossible to explain. When looking for funny images for our desktops, we usually choose pictures that match our personalities. Cute baby pictures, animal photos or just ordinary objects seen from a different perspective have the power to make us smile without knowing why. The funny backgrounds manage to make us laugh whenever we turn on our computers. It's a simple way to brighten our day and start off in a good mood.
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